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When you buy any of the products we recommend, we receive compensation. We only endorse products we actually use and this does not increase the cost to you, our valued reader. Being a part of these networks makes it possible to support the website.

Opinions presented on this site are those of Keith Lang, WODtools founder, or any writer on the website.

We greatly appreciate it when you choose to use our links to buy CrossFit, sports, and health-related products.

We are unbiased, impartial, and fair. We do not accept compensation for positive reviews.

As directed by the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising, the purpose of this policy is to establish any compensatory affiliation between the site owner and the affiliate networks ShareASale, Commission Junction, and any other various affiliate or wholesale agreements.

The owner of this website is compensated through product resales, affiliate sales, referrals, opinions, services, websites and various other topics. If the owner of this website receives affiliate compensation for reviews or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, experiences and beliefs concerning those products. The views and opinions expressed on this website are ours only. As always you should do your due diligence and verify any claims, quotes, statistics about any products or services mentioned on this website.

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